
The DUT AppFactory Bi-weekly technology presentations

The Bi-weekly technology presentations are typical demonstrations and introductions to technological aspects which are meant to grant knowledge, persuade and build goodwill or simply to present a new idea or a product.

These presentations were streamed live on Facebook the presentation encourages the DUT AppFactory Interns to prepare and participate on keeping their colleagues up-to-date when it comes to the latest tech news from around the world.

This past week, the DUT AppFactory hosted live Bi-weekly Presentation exercise on 12 August 2022 at 14h00 - 15h00 on The DUT AppFactory Facebook Page.

The Bi-weekly presentation topics were Object-oriented Programming and SQL, these two topics derived from two different Interns.

Phila Dlamini: Focused on SQL stored procedures.

Vela mjadu:  He briefly explained Object-oriented Programming and gave us a brief on Styles of programming characterized by the identification of classes of objects closely linked with the methods (functions) with which they are associated.

The presentations provided attendees with the following essential skills and Knowledge:


  • Maintaining an SQL Server
  • Implementing and Maintaining Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services
  • Advancing SQL Servers

Object-Oriented Programming:

  • Programming languages: PHP, Python, C#, Java
  • Abstraction
  • Encapsulation
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance: Single, multiple, and multilevel

The presentation session was well attended by the DUT AppFactory mentors, Interns as well as other participants who joined live on Facebook. The attendees found the presentation very informative and wished that there could be other presentations to gain more knowledge

Monday, August 15, 2022
The DUT AppFactory Bi-weekly technology presentations