
DUT AppFactory Bi-weekly presentations

The Bi-weekly presentations are typical demonstrations and introductions to technological aspects which are meant to grant knowledge, persuade and build goodwill or simply to present a new idea or a product.

These presentations take place using Microsoft Teams which encourages the DUT Appfactory Interns to prepare and participate on keeping their colleagues up-to-date when it comes to the latest tech news from around the world.

This past week, the DUT Appfactory hosted its 3rd Bi-weekly Presentation exercise on 20 May 2022 at 14h00 - 15h00

The Bi-weekly presentation topics were HTTP, Smart Home and Time Management and These three topics derived from three different Interns.

Sphelele Zulu took the team through the HTTP concepts

Nombuso Msweli explained the ability to manage the time effectively at work and how it can help to achieve desired goals with less effort and more effective strategies to manage time.

Sivuyile Dlulani elaborated on the convenient home setup “The Smart home” where appliances and devices can be automatically controlled remotely from anywhere with an internet connection using a mobile device or any other device.

The Interns were basically having unique views based on their chosen topics The DUT Appfactory Interns presented the presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. The presentation provided attendees with the following essential skills and Knowledge:


  • Communication between web server and the client
  • Loading pages and form submission
  • Install certificate on web host

Smart Home

  • monitoring activities happening in the house through CCTV cameras using cellphone or any device.
  • Internet Independency

Time Management

  • Prioritizing a task
  • Focusing on the outcome
  • Cutting out destructions

The presentation session was well attended by the DUT Appfactory mentors and Interns. The attendees found the presentation very informative and wished that there could be other presentations to gain more knowledge.


Monday, May 23, 2022
DUT AppFactory Bi-weekly presentations